
About the Author

J.C. Herz is a former New York Times columnist (her “Game Theory” essays are archived here), and a former rock critic and tech writer for Rolling Stone and Wired. Her latest books are Learning to Breathe Fire: The Rise of CrossFit and the Primal Future of Fitness and A Dark & Dismal Flower, written with her daughter, Eve Scott.

J.C. posts updates for Learning to Breathe Fire on Fire’s Facebook page, which features reflections on sport and the human condition, CrossFit humor, and pictures of beautiful women throwing around serious amounts of weight. She posts reflections on gardening and children’s literature, and photographs of the flowers, vegetables, and child-built fairy houses that spring up in her garden to Dark & Dismal’s Facebook page.

The Eternal Umwelt

One of the treasures that E.O. Wilson bestowed on his undergraduates was the concept of the umwelt.  Umwelt: the world as a particular animal experiences it. On a sensory level – visual acuity, hearing, smell – and the semiotics of what sensory stimuli signify in the instinctual context forged by genetics and learning.  As one…

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