Simple Believer.

“The sermon should end with a promise because God’s purposes cannot be defeated; that’s his promise. So that if we have received the gift of faith, we need to know that God is present in that gift of faith and even when we think we are losing our faith, God is still there.” – Fleming Rutledge, a conversation with Crackers & Grape Juice episode 15


Remind us today that our faith is an ongoing gift.

A gift given to us by you. 

Not something that we do for ourselves.

Remind us in our times of questioning,

that simplicity is sometimes the best answer to all of our questions.

For I fear if we forget, we will all go mad.

Make us “simple believers”.

We thank you for the gift of faith.

Though sometimes actions fail, we cherish what your gift has done for us and continues to do in us.

Be with us in the waiting.
