Strangely Warmed

Hosted ByTaylor Mertins

A Lectionary Podcast Produced by Crackers &Grape Juice

All Episodes

Easter [A] – Post-Apocalyptic Merrymaking

Jeremiah 31.1-6, Psalm 118.1-2, 14-24, Colossians 3.1-4, John 20.1-18; What’s the difference between explanation and proclamation? Should we be joyful and afraid on Easter? What can The Last of Us teach us about the church? These questions and more on…

Palm Sunday [A] – From We to He

Psalm 118.1-2, 19-29, Matthew 21.1-11; Should Palm Sunday be called Psalm Sunday? How often should we laugh in church? What difference does a donkey make? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guest Drew Colby. Drew is the…

Lent 5A – Death’s Enemy

Ezekiel 37.1-14, Psalm 130, Romans 8.6-11, John 11.1-45; How hard is it to preach on the psalms? What makes a faithful funeral faithful? What does BBQ chicken pizza have to do with salvation history? These questions and more on this episode of…

Lent 4A – The Story We Didn’t Choose

1 Samuel 16.1-13, Psalm 23, Ephesians 5.8-14, John 9.1-41; Do we use enough oil in worship? How subversive is Jesus? Is Lent supposed to be a downer? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guests Jason Micheli, Teer Hardy,…

Lent 3A – The Radical Character of Familiarity

Exodus 17.1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5.1-11, John 4.5-42; How pointed should our prayers be? Who qualifies as being part of the ungodly? Is there anything wrong with democratic egalitarianism? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed…

Lent 2A – How Odd Of God To Save This Way

Genesis 12.1-4a, Psalm 121, Romans 4.1-5, 13-17, John 3.1-17; What’s wrong with satisfaction theories of the atonement? Should Protestant Christians put Jesus back on the cross? What is a lettuce sermon? These questions and more on this episode of…

Lent 1A – The Inexhaustibility of Scripture

Genesis 2.15-17, 3.1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5.12-19, Matthew 4.1-11; Why should churches use the RCL? What is our original sin? How do Jesus’ temptations connect with our own? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guests Jason…

Ash Wednesday [A] – A Dangerous Time

Joel 2.1-2, 12-17, Psalm 51.1-17, 2 Corinthians 5.20b-6.10, Matthew 6.1-6, 16-21; What is the purpose of Ash Wednesday? How important are the words we use in worship? Is the Gospel about reconciliation, rectification, or both? These questions and more…

Transfiguration [A] – The Party Before The Penitence

Exodus 23.12-18, Psalm 2, 2 Peter 1.16-21, Matthew 17.1-9; How timely is the Transfiguration? Why are there so many mountaintop moments in scripture? What makes God laugh? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guest Drew…