Strangely Warmed

Hosted ByTaylor Mertins

A Lectionary Podcast Produced by Crackers &Grape Juice

All Episodes

11th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – The Coat With Long Sleeves

Genesis 37.1-4, 12-28, Psalm 105.1-6, 16-22, 45b, Romans 10.5-15, Matthew 14.22-33; Should the Bible come with a parental advisory? How important are our dreams? What does it mean to confess Jesus as Lord? These questions and more on this episode of…

10th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – Limping With God

Genesis 32.22-31, Psalm 17.1-7, 15, Romans 9.1-5, Matthew 14.13-21; How important is the context of the text? Why is there so much division in scripture? How generous is God? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guest…

9th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – Remember Whose You Are

Genesis 29.15-28, Psalm 105.1-11, 45b, Romans 8.26-39, Matthew 13.31-33, 44-52; Should we be checking our weddings beds? What happens if you have a bad family tree? What does baking bread have to do with the Kingdom of God? These questions and more on…

8th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – The Problem Is Cosmic

Genesis 28.10-19a, Isaiah 44.6-8, Romans 8.12-25, Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43; Would Christians make for good time travelers? Should every service have an altar call? What’s up with the parable of the weeds and the wheat? These questions and more on this…

7th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – The Waste of Grace

Genesis 25.19-34, Psalm 119.105-112, Romans 8.1-11, Matthew 13.1-9, 18-23; How important are film scores? Is God in the business of election or rejection? How many meanings to the parables have? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely…

6th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – Being Married To A Stranger

Genesis 24.34-38, 42-49, 58-67, Psalm 45.10-17, Romans 7.15-25a, Matthew 11.16-19, 25-30; How do we find the right spouse? Who prays the psalms? Are we our own worst enemies? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guest Josh…

5th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – Random Acts of Kindness

Genesis 22.1-14, Psalm 13, Romans 6.12-23, Matthew 10.40-42; Why are some texts so difficult to preach? What does it mean to be a slave of righteousness? How much should we focus on welcoming others in the name of Jesus? These questions and more on…

4th Sunday After Pentecost [A] – Seeds of Hope

Genesis 21.8-21, Psalm 86.1-10, 16-17, Romans 6.1b-11, Matthew 10.24-39; Is it possible to be elected and rejected at the same time? Should we continue in sin in order that grace may abound? Why is there so much division in the church? These questions…

3rd Sunday After Pentecost [A] – A Giant Wave In The Ocean

Genesis 18.1-15, Exodus 19.2-8a, Romans 5.1-8, Matthew 9.35-10.8; What is lectio continua? Did John Calvin get something right? Why doesn’t Paul talk about obedience? These questions and more on this episode of Strangely Warmed with guest Jason…