Crackers and Grape Juice

Hosted ByJason Micheli, Teer Hardy, Taylor Mertins, & Johanna Hartelius

talking faith without stained glass language

All Episodes

Episode 331: Matthew Milliner – The Everlasting People: G. K. Chesterton and the First Nations

What does the cross of Christ have to do with the thunderbird? How might the life and work of Christian writer G. K. Chesterton shed light on our understanding of North American Indigenous art and history? This unexpected connection forms the basis of…

Episode 330 : Election Day with Gretchen

Gretchen is a recovering evangelical, former political hack and a Republican refugee.

Episode 328: Bishop Scott Anson Benhase – Done and Left Undone: Grace in the Meantime of Ministry

In a post-Christian culture, parish clergy can find themselves at a loss, ill-equipped to deal with a reality for which seminary did not prepare them. As a result, the Church and its clergy can seem to flounder from one “program” to the next or get…

Episode 327: Tripp Fuller Goes Before the Board

The host of Homebrewed Christianity, Tripp Fuller, shares his answers to a few of the questions Teer is considering for ordination in the United Methodist Church.

Episode 326: Will Willimon – God Turned Toward Us

The challenge of the Christian life is learning to talk Christian. Somebody has got to tell us, give us the words that open the door to the faith called Christian.

Episode 325: Round 2 with Tony Robinson and Will Willimon

Tony Robinson and Will Willimon reunite for round 2 of Q&A with the Crackers and Grape Juice Nation. The Hauerwas Mafia submitted questions Tony and Will to consider.

To get the episode started Will responds to critique he and Stanley Hauerwas…

Episode 324 : Thomas Lecaque – The Conspiracy Theorists Are Coming for Your Schools

The pandemic is far from over, and the apocalyptic ideology of QAnon, so prevalent in the last couple years of far-right conspiracy-theory discourse and the coup attempt at the beginning of the year, has certainly not faded.

Episode 322 : Andrea Irwin & Jason Byassee – Following

Jason and Andrea’s new book, Following, offers theological perspectives on the challenges...

Episode 322 :The God Fathers of Crackers

Reflecting on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with The Godfather’s of the podcast, Dr. Stanley Hauerwas and Reverend Dr. Will Willimon.