Crackers and Grape Juice

Hosted ByJason Micheli, Teer Hardy, Taylor Mertins, & Johanna Hartelius

talking faith without stained glass language

All Episodes

Episode 7 – Tony Jones is Stangely Warmed

An early consultant in this podcast, Tony Jones is a theologian and church self-described church proctologist. Teer & Tony had a chance to catch up and discuss the United Methodist quadrennial gathering, Progressive Christianity, and even (just…

Episode 6 – General Conference With Tom Berlin

This is raw, unfiltered Crackers & Grape Juice.

Morgan had a chance to catch up with Episcopal candidate Rev. Tom Berlin while at the 2016 General Conference. Morgan and Tom had a chance to chat about the issue of human sexuality which is currently…

Episode 5 – United Methodist Church General Conference Preview

It’s hard to have conversations in the local church about the easy stuff: choosing which hymns to sing, what color to paint the hallway, and what kind of coffee to serve. Is it any surprise then that the UMC still cannot have a conversation about…

Episode 4 – Stop His Heresy

Morgan is on a book tour!

In their first attempt to record a live podcast the guys stumble, recover, lose cell phone coverage, and recover again as they talk about Morgan’s new book.

Episode 3 – Will Willimon: Fear of the Other

Just imagine for a moment that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson actually walked into a bar. Then on top of that awkward moment, a retired UMC Bishop calls them out. Well, here we go.

Episode 1 – Brian Zahnd: Easy, Cheesy, Cotton Candy Christianity

Episode 2 is part 1 of a conversation with pastor & author Brian Zahnd. In this episode, Teer & Jason talk with Brian about his latest book, “Water Into Wine”. Part 2 of the conversation will be released in the next week or 2.