Crackers and Grape Juice

Hosted ByJason Micheli, Teer Hardy, Taylor Mertins, & Johanna Hartelius

talking faith without stained glass language

All Episodes

From the Vault: David Fitch

Here’s an old interview with David Fitch from Teer and Jason’s maiden podcasting effort several years ago. See how far we’ve come! We’ve got a brand new interview with David in the queue waiting for editing so be on the lookout.

Episode 15 – Fridays with Fleming: The Holy Spirit Bloweth Where It Will

If we are urged to have faith in Christ, who is doing the urging? Sorry ahead of time about Jason’s office phone ringing. Johanna and Fleming call out bad preachers/sermon series too.

Episode 14 – Fridays with Fleming: “Maybe Somethings Shouldn’t Be Forgiven”

Jason and Teer are joined by Johanna Hartelius as they check in with Fleming Rutledge. This is part 1 of a 2 part conversation. If you notice some sighs or scoffs, that’s just Teer & Johanna noticing how much Jason is kissing up to Fleming.

Episode 13 – NT Wright: Still No ‘Um’

Lucky episode #13. Here is part 2 of our conversation with NT Wright.

Episode 12 – N.T. Wright, Part 1 – He Never Says Um

This is part 1 of our conversation with N.T. Wright. We cover the New Perspective, Substitutionary Atonement, the historic accuracy of the Bible vs. the overarching story of the Biblical story, and America’s divide along justification by faith &…

Episode 11 – Gnostics Are Better Than John Piper

Last week the Gospel Coalition posted a video describing the ‘mysterious’ ways God ordains tragedy to bring about ‘good’. This created a stir in Jason, and then in a weirder turn of events made Morgan semi-sympathetic to what position the GC…

Episode 10: Fridays with Fleming- Sin in the Hands of a Wrathful God

In part 2 of our conversation with Pastor Fleming Ruthledge we begin with God’s wrath (we eased into this one didn’t we?!?!) and wrap up with apocalyptic theology.

Can you believe we made it to episode 10? We can’t either!

Episode 9 – Fridays with Fleming (Rutledge): Preaching Against the Powers

In part 1 of a 2 part conversation with author & pastor Fleming Rutledge, the conversation began with some of the problems around the term “inclusion” and finished with the do’s and don’ts of bad preaching.

Episode 8 – Jason Man-Crushing With Todd Littleton

Ever feel like the third-wheel on a date? Well that’s how Teer must have felt during the recording of this C&GJ episode!

Two out of the three members of the C&GJ team interviewed pastor, blogger, and podcaster Todd Littleton. The topics ranged…