Crackers and Grape Juice

Hosted ByJason Micheli, Teer Hardy, Taylor Mertins, & Johanna Hartelius

talking faith without stained glass language

All Episodes

Episode 420: James Martin – Come Forth

New York Times bestseller Fr. James Martin joins the pod again to talk about his latest book

In this wise and compassionate book, Father James Martin, SJ explores…

Episode 417: Jason Micheli – A Quid Without Any Quo: A Gospel Freedom According to Galatians

Better late than never! This week Teer talks with Godfather of the pod, Will Willimon, about Jason’s new book, A Quid Without Any Quo: A Gospel Freedom According to Galatians

Go grab you a copy!

Episode 398: Mart Folsom – Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone, Volume 1

Marty’s latest project is Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone, A Guided Tour of One of the Greatest Theological Works of the Twentieth Century.

Episode 395: Chris EW Green – Transfiguring Silence

Check out session 1 of our online Lenten class with Chris EW Green on his new book, Being Transfigured.

Episode 396: Liel Leibovitz – “You People” is a Warning, You People

Liel Liebowitz joins the pod to talk about Netfilx’s You People and so much more.

Episode 394: Jonathan Foster – Theology of Consent, Mimetic Theory in an Open and Relational Universe

Jonathan Foster is a father, husband, former church planter, theologian, nonprofit co-founder, musician, doctor (DThM), and author who has experienced sucess and loss. His new book is entitled, “A Theology of Consent.”

Episode 392: Chris Green – Being Transfigured

Jason Michelli: Chris Green is back on the podcast to (once again) talk about Robert Jenson and Stanley Hauerwas but— really— he’s here to talk about a new book he has for your journey this year through the season of light, Lent. That’s right. Chris…

Episode 393: Katherine Stewart – The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism

Our guest today is Katherine Stewart.
Katherine is an American journalist and author who often writes about issues related to the separation of church and state, the rise of religious nationalism, and global movements against liberal democracy. Her…

Episode 383 : Chris Davis – Bright Hope for Tomorrow : How Anticipating Jesus’ Return Gives Strength for Today

Chris Davis is the pastor of Groveton Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia and the author of the new book Bright Hope for Tomorrow: How Anticipating Jesus’ Return Gives Strength for Today….