Crackers and Grape Juice

Hosted ByJason Micheli, Teer Hardy, Taylor Mertins, & Johanna Hartelius

talking faith without stained glass language

All Episodes

Episode 443 – Dr. Beverly Gaventa : Romans

In this conversation, Beverly Gaventa discusses her new commentary on Romans and the themes within the book. She talks about the last time she cried and the hymn that moved her to tears. She also shares her experience as a parishioner in her son’s…

Episode 442 – Patricia Roberts-Miller : Demagoguery and Democracy

Episode 441 – Paul Zahl : Reflecting on Moltmann

Episode 440 – Mark James Edwards: Prison as Sacrament

In this conversation, Mark Edwards discusses the concept of prison as a sacrament of freedom. He highlights the global problem of mass incarceration and the need for prison abolition. Edwards explores the theology of Karl Barth and his prison sermons,…

Episode 439 – Remembering Moltmann Pt. 2 with Rabbi Joseph

Episode 439: Remembering Moltmann Part 1 with Rolf Jacobson and Ruben Rosario Rodriguez

Teer and Jason sit down with Rolf Jacobson and Ruben Rosario...

Episode 438: Slice Penny – From Drug Trafficker to Gospel Preacher

Will Willimon’s chicken sitter, Slice Penny is a rising third year student at Duke Divinity School and soon-to-be-husband. A recovering drug and alcohol addict, Slice served four years for drug trafficking at a maximum security prison in Florida….

Episode 436: Tony Jones – The God of Wild Places joins the podcast to discuss his new book, The God of Wild Places, and his experiences in the outdoors. The book is a memoir that explores themes of vulnerability, redemption, and the search for identity. Tony discusses the…