Episode 325: Round 2 with Tony Robinson and Will Willimon

Tony Robinson and Will Willimon reunite for round 2 of Q&A with the Crackers and Grape Juice Nation. The Hauerwas Mafia submitted questions Tony and Will to consider.

To get the episode started Will responds to critique he and Stanley Hauerwas received for an article published in Christian Century (https://www.christiancentury.org/article/interview/dangers-providing-pastoral-care).

Tony follows up his perspective on pastoral care in the middle of a pandemic.

Then the two friends field questions from the Hauerwas Mafia.

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About the Author
Teer Hardy is husband, father, and brewery theologian.  He lives in the D.C. area and is a United Methodist Pastor.  Teer has received degrees from West Virginia Wesleyan College and Wesley Theological Seminary.  Keep up with his sermons and thoughts on his Substack.