Episode 30 – Offering

What does it mean to make an offering? We talk about offerings each week during worship as metal plates passed through our sanctuaries. Did you know offerings go back to the Hebrew Bible and were a part of how the day-to-day religious life of Israel was organized? What do can we make of Christ’s offering for us? And how then are we making an offering to God? This and more on this episode about ‘offering.’

About the Author
Dr. Johanna Hartelius is Associate Professor of Rhetoric in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the author of The Rhetoric of Expertise (Lexington, 2011) and the forthcoming book The Gifting Logos: Expertise in the Digital Commons (University of California Press, 2020). When she's not explaining to Crackers and Grape Juice that rhetoric means something other than ornamentation and lies, she teaches graduate and undergraduate classes and tries to raise two little humans. Johanna is the host of You're Not Accepted.