Deep Dive Word Study Part Deux

When Christianity Today selected Jack Levison’s ‘A Boundless God: The Spirit According to the Old Testament,’ as one of two books focusing on the Bible to read in 2021, they asked, “Who knew that a word study could read like an adventure story?” If you yearn to have your own Bible study feel like an adventure, join Jack, W. J. A. Power Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Southern Methodist University, for an exciting hour of discovery.

Join us and Perkins School of Theology for a live Q & A session on Monday, October 4, at noon, when Jack will answer any questions you may have about using Accordance to do your own deep dive word studies.

If you’re interested in the book that started this word search party, A Boundless God, you can get it on Amazon or Baker Publishing Group.

The Accordance 50% discount extends to all who attend/watch the webinar—not just SMU students. So, please feel free to check out the Accordance Greek & Hebrew Learner Collection and use the code APP-SMu1320 to get 50% off of the software.

Put it on your calendar now to join Jack on October 4. The link for the live Q & A session is:

Past episodes of Crackers & Grape Juice with Jack and Priscilla Levison

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About the Author
Teer Hardy is husband, father, and brewery theologian.  He lives in the D.C. area and is a United Methodist Pastor.  Teer has received degrees from West Virginia Wesleyan College and Wesley Theological Seminary.  Keep up with his sermons and thoughts on his Substack.