
About the Author
Teer Hardy is husband, father, and brewery theologian.  He lives in the D.C. area and is a United Methodist Pastor.  Teer has received degrees from West Virginia Wesleyan College and Wesley Theological Seminary.  Keep up with his sermons and thoughts on his Substack.

Borrowed Time

“We’re living on borrowed time.” The church I serve is like most churches in the United States in that we have an aging infrastructure that requires more maintenance and repairs each year. The HVAC system we have was designed for a usage period of 50 years. We are in year 60. We are truly living…

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At War in Advent

We find ourselves in the midst of the adventure of war. It began as soon as the turkey carcass was picked clean and turned into broth many turned away from the Thanksgiving table and towards the bright lights of Christmas. Water dripped from the plates now resting in the drying rack as many found themselves…

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General Conference 2019 is NOT Methodist-palooza

The anxiety is beginning to rise. Bags are being packed. Fights confirmed. Hashtags established. Delegates, observers, and press are preparing for the called General Conference of The United Methodist Church. For outsiders, many cannot fathom why the UMC is continuing the debate fight over the issue of human sexuality. In 2019, for the majority of…

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Glad Surprise

Be baptized, repent and believe! You might hear this words preached or even be the one preaching on them tomorrow. You might even be reading this while writing your sermon, making the final preparations for worship on the second Sunday of Advent.  Repentance is part of the preparations for Advent. I write about the topic…

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